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About mumusik17

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  1. hi Mette,yes I dont speak danish,I just learn it.but I can speak a little,I more undersand danish,than speak.I am from Letland. I am new on this forum,so thank you for help. And you are from Taastrup??? how old is you baby?
  2. Hi,my name is Natalja,I live in Valby.I have 4 month old datter. I am looking for new friends with the babys around the same age,for the spending time,walks together,meetings with our babys. I hope that somebody will be interested in it. And we will wait new friends
  3. Hi,my name is Natalja,I live in Valby.I have 4 month old datter. I am looking for new friends with the babys around the same age,for the spending time,walks together,meetings with our babys. I hope that somebody will be interested in it. And we will wait new friends